About Altrua HealthShare
We are a unique health care sharing ministry that does not require a pastor, elder or representative from a local church to sign an acknowledgement verifying church attendance or validation of medical needs being submitted to the membership for sharing.
Each eligible medical need submitted to the membership is shared according to the Escrow Instructions and the Membership Guidelines.
Our members do not have to wait on other members to send individual checks for medical needs.
Our members do not participate in subsidizing or paying for certain lifestyles that continue to add to the rising costs associated with insurance companies. Our members are considered by the medical profession to be self-pay patients and typically enjoy lower costs than members of health insurance companies.
Our membership opportunities are developed and based on Biblical principles established for living a healthy and honorable lifestyle and members must believe in our Statement of Standards to join.
We would love for you to be a part of our ministry and to experience how caring for one another through the membership can be a blessing to you as it is to so many who participate.