We know how to care for one another.

Over 24,000 Members

Over 14,000 Households
Member Stories
Our family of eight has been with Altrua HealthShare since early 2000. We have delivered four children, had 18 various broken bones, 4 extended hospitalizations, five various surgical procedures, and more doctor and specialist visits than one can count on all of our 160 fingers and toes! Yet through all these medical trials, Altrua HealthShare has been with us every step of the way. All of our eligible medical needs, which have been quite substantial; even for a family of eight, have been taken care of through the member share program, discounts, negotiations and other sources with which Altrua HealthShare works on behalf of each member. All of our doctors and healthcare facilities are part of the extensive list of providers, in and out of our state. We are grateful for Altrua HealthShare and the manner in which our families healthcare needs are always met and provided for in one form or another. Thank you Altrua and Altrua members for making my families’ good health a reality.
Nicole T, Las Vegas, NV
I have been a member of Altrua HealthShare since early 2002. I can say Altrua HealthShare has truly blessed my family over the years of being there in times of medical needs. In late 2004 my wife had a second round of cancer that created over 160k of medical bills after being clean of cancer for 12 years. In mid 2010 I had major neck surgery which created 80k of medical bills and Altrua HealthShare was there to provide for my family’s financial needs as the membership guidelines calls for. Without Altrua HealthShare in my life, I was not able to afford Private Personal Insurance premium costs as they are today. I also would have been financially crippled without Altrua HealthShare’s assistance. A very special connection to Altrua HealthShare is Altrua Ministries a 501 c-3 charitable organization and Crown Healthcare that assists the members of Altrua HealthShare in dealing with financial hardship and works with Medical Providers in lowering and finding discounts plans to lower the out of pocket expense. I am very proud to be considered a member of Altrua HealthShare, it pays to live your life in a manner as the Membership qualifications calls for in the Statement of Standards, and you get blessed for it.
Thank You,
Mr. Jacobs
Our family of six has been with Altrua HealthShare for 15 years now. We joined Altrua when a job change meant we needed to look for our own personal insurance for our family. For what we needed at the time, Altrua was about 40% less than any insurance we could find. Although Altrua is not considered an insurance company, for all intents and purposes, our benefits have been equal to having insurance and knowing that what we pay/share every month goes directly to help others in need is pretty great. They have helped us through multiple maternity expenses, a few surgeries, a case of meningitis, a dog bite, and of course routine health care. Our experience has been great both financially and emotionally. The customer service goes above and beyond with quick replies and thorough information. Every medical office, hospital, or surgery center we have been to, has treated Altrua HealthShare just like insurance-the bill is submitted by the office personnel and we have no additional paperwork or stress in sending it in. Over the past 15 years, there have been a few increases in our ‘share amounts’ but not an alarming percentage like some of our family and friends have mentioned with their insurance. We honestly believe we could not find the same ‘health care’ (sharing) for our family anywhere else that is as comparable …however, because we have been so happy with our customer care and service with Altrua, we haven’t put the energy in to searching. 15 years strong and looking forward to many more.
Mr. & Mrs. Steiner, MT
We have been members of Altrua HealthShare for three or more years now. I own a small company that does not offer health insurance to employees, so we’ve always had to seek good prices on insurance. We had insurance for a few years, and they continued raising their premiums from $700 all the way up to about $1,250. The coverage was good, but it was too expensive, and the deductibles were high. I was mentioning it to a guy who worked for me one day, and he told me about Altrua HealthShare. He said that he had been a member of Altrua for a couple of years and it worked really well – no problems. When I found out the “contribution share” was only going to be $460 a month, I thought it must be low budget insurance. I have six kids and I thought there is no way we can be insured for under $500 a month. I checked with all my doctors and they all accepted the “affiliated provider” network, so I decided to go with it. When my wife found out I had switched to a medical cost sharing program, she was furious. She was certain we were going to get stuck holding the bag somehow. In the three+ years we’ve had Altrua HealthShare, we’ve had all the usual medical needs you’d expect with six kids – broken bones, sicknesses, tests, etc. In every single case our medical claims were shared in and we’ve never had a problem. My wife is now a believer! I’ve become very overt about recommending Altrua HealthShare to anyone I know is self-employed. At least four or five families have joined by my recommendation. As far as I know, they’ve all had good experiences, as well. It’s a great way to help share in each others’ medical needs!