Feel confident to make the right choice for your family.

We offer a 30 day trial experience.

If it’s not the right fit, we will refund your first month’s contribution.

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Get More from Membership

Members have access to many health care services including telemedicine and counseling, discounts on prescriptions, great member service and much more.

View Contribution Amounts

Pooled Office Visits

We are providing a better opportunity to use all of the office visits included with a membership. Families now have greater flexibility to use their office visits by sharing with other household members that need them.

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Years of Sharing Experience

We have been managing our member’s medical needs for over 2 decades and readily help our members with the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the health care world.

See What Our Members Say

Four Memberships to Choose From

  • Diamond


    $356.00 /mo

    Perfect for growing families that want a low MRA.

    Become a Member

  • 6 Pooled Office Visits per Member
  • Unlimited Telemedicine
  • Maternity sharing
  • Adoption sharing*
  • Cancer Treatment sharing
  • Laboratory Services
  • No Annual Limit up to the Lifetime Maximum Limit of $2,000,000
  • Emerald


    $318.00 /mo

    Lower contributions for a lower Lifetime Limit.

    Become a Member

  • 6 Pooled Office Visits per Member
  • Unlimited Telemedicine
  • Maternity sharing
  • Adoption sharing*
  • Cancer Treatment sharing
  • Laboratory Services
  • No Annual Limit up to the Lifetime Maximum Limit of $1,000,000
  • Sapphire


    $173.00 /mo

    Great for two people that want the added security.

    Become a Member

  • 6 Pooled Office Visits per Member
  • Unlimited Telemedicine
  • Cancer Treatment sharing
  • Annual Limit is $250,000
  • Lifetime Maximum Limit $1,000,000
  • Ruby


    $136.00 /mo

    For a healthy individual unconcerned with a higher MRA.

    Become a Member

  • 6 Pooled Office Visits per Member
  • Unlimited Telemedicine
  • Cancer Treatment sharing
  • Annual Limit is $150,000
  • Lifetime Maximum Limit $1,000,000

*Void where prohibited: Although Altrua HealthShare offers memberships nationwide, some of the sharing options contained in the Membership Guidelines may NOT be available to Members in all geographic locations or jurisdictions.
Adoption and Funeral sharing options are NOT available to Texas residents.

What Our Members Give to the Membership

Monthly Contribution Requests

The Head of Household or Primary Member is sent monthly contribution requests based on age and/or number of household members, which they submit to stay active in the membership.* Use the chart to find out what your contribution amount would be. A Family membership is a household membership with 3 or more members.


Members whose weight exceeds the membership standard will have a share increase added to their monthly contribution.

MembershipAge*MemberMember +1Family**









*The Head of Household is the oldest member in the household. **If a Household has more than five family members, the monthly contribution amount is increased by an additional $50 for each additional dependent (Diamond, Emerald & Sapphire Memberships). For Ruby, the monthly contribution amount is increased by an additional $50 for each additional dependent over 3 members.






1ST MRAThe member is responsible for $500 per person per calendar year before the 2nd MRA applies.The member is responsible for $1,000 per person per calendar year before the 2nd MRA applies.The member is responsible for $1,500 per person per calendar year before the 2nd MRA applies.The member is responsible for $7,500 per person per calendar year.
2ND MRAThe member is responsible for 25% of the next $10,000 in eligible medical needs, maximum of $2,500 to the licensed medical professional/facility.n/a
OFFICE/URGENT CARE/SPECIALIST VISIT MRAThe member pays $35.00 to the licensed medical professional of their choice. This is not applied to the 1st or 2nd MRA.Up to $300.00 of the charges per visit is applied to the 1st then 2nd MRA.
MATERNITY MRA$5,000 MRA per pregnancy.Maternity is not included.
ADOPTION MRA**$5,000 MRA per event. An adoption event may have more than one child.Adoption is not included.
CANCER MRAYear 1 – $4,000 MRA, Year 2 – $3,000 MRA, Year 3+ – $2,000 MRA. Subject to annual and lifetime maximums.1st, then 2nd MRAs apply. Subject to annual and lifetime maximums.

MRAs (Member Responsibility Amounts)

Members are responsible for a financial portion of eligible medical needs.

1st MRA

The member’s first responsibility amount before the membership shares in eligible needs (any amount not related to office visits, wellness visits, sick visits, check-ups, follow-up visits, etc.).

2nd MRA

The percentage members are responsible for, after the 1st MRA is met, and before the membership shares in eligible needs. The membership shares simultaneously in eligible needs as the member’s 2nd MRA is being met.

What Our Members Receive from the Membership






6 POOLED OFFICE/URGENT CARE/SPECIALIST VISITS ANNUALLYUp to $300 is shared on the member’s behalf per visit after $35 office visit MRA. Visits are per member, per calendar year and are pooled.  Households combine their individual office visit allotment so that unused office visits of one household member can be used by another household member if needed.Members submit the full or discounted charges of the eligible medical need to the licensed medical professional and the membership allows up to $300 of charges per visit to be applied to the 1st then 2nd MRA. Visits are per member, per calendar year and are pooled.
MAMMOGRAMFemale members age 40 and over and male members age 50 and over. Eligible for sharing of one additional office visit during the calendar year. Female Members age 40 and over for a mammogram visit, the membership will share up to $500 on a routine screening mammogram or a routine screening breast ultrasound, the membership will share up to $500 after the $35 office visit MRA.Female members age 40 and over and male members age 50 and over. Eligible for sharing of one additional office visit during the calendar year. Female Members age 40 and over for a mammogram visit, the membership will share up to $500 on a routine screening mammogram or a routine screening breast ultrasound, the membership will allow up to $500 to be applied towards the MRA.
MATERNITYMaximum sharing limit per pregnancy applies: Year 1 – $12,000 and Years 2+ – $25,000 (90 day wait)Maternity is not included.
ADOPTION**$5,000 eligible for sharing once the $5,000 Adoption MRA has been met. (12 month wait)Adoption is not included.
CANCER TREATMENTMaximum sharing amount Year 1 – $10,000 and Years 2+ – Subject to annual and lifetime max after Cancer MRA has been met. Biennial screening requirements for females 40 and over and males 50 and over and 90 day wait1st, then 2nd MRAs apply. Biennial screening requirements for females 40 and over and males 50 and over. 12 month waiting period
LABORATORY SERVICES$500 Laboratory MRA applies. $1,000 maximum sharing limit, per member, per calendar year. Laboratory services must be obtained through an in-network facility to be eligible for sharing. 90 day waiting unless billed with an eligible office visit or hospital stay or is part of a wellness or preventative care visit.$500 Laboratory MRA applies. $500 maximum sharing limit, per member, per calendar year. Laboratory services must be obtained through an in-network facility to be eligible for sharing. 90 day waiting unless billed with an eligible office visit or hospital stay or is part of a wellness or preventative care visit.Applied towards 1st, then 2nd MRAs. Allowed up to $4,000, per member, per calendar year. 90 day waiting period unless part of wellness or preventative care visit.
TELEMEDICINEUnlimited utilization, with no consultation fee
PRESCRIPTIONSAltrua HealthShare members are allowed discounts for name brand and generic prescriptions.
FLU SHOTMax of $25 per member, per calendar year
FUNERAL NEEDS**$5,000 maximum sharing limit per household, per calendar year. Discounts are available through Dignity Memorial, click here to learn more.Funeral needs are not included. Discounts are available through Dignity Memorial, click here to learn more.
SHARING AFTER 1ST AND 2ND MRAS ARE METThe membership shares 100% of eligible medical needs for the remainder of the calendar year up to any maximum sharing amounts as listed in the Membership Guidelines.
MAXIMUM AMOUNT SHARED DURING THE LIFETIME OF YOUR MEMBERSHIPLifetime Limit of $2,000,000 per member. No maximum per calendar year.Lifetime Limit of $1,000,000 per member. No maximum per calendar year.Lifetime Limit of $1,000,000 per member with a limit of $250,000 per calendar year.Lifetime Limit of $1,000,000 per member with a limit of $150,000 per calendar year.

**Void where prohibited: Although Altrua HealthShare offers memberships nationwide, some of the sharing options contained in the Membership Guidelines may NOT be available to Members in all geographic locations or jurisdictions. Adoption and Funeral sharing options are NOT available to Texas residents.

Every membership includes access to services and discounts that help our members maintain a healthy emotional, mental and physical lifestyle.

Membership Services & Discounts


Because the membership is made up of people that care for one another, we are pleased to provide counseling services that members can share with everyone in their family—even those not on the membership!


Members can contact licensed physicians any time of day via phone and nurse lines to help diagnose issues from the comfort of their home, workplace, or while traveling.


Savings of 40%–50% off the overall national average cost for Traditional LASIK surgery. WA customers will save 15% off standard prices or 5% off promotional prices


15%–60% off the retail price of generic drugs and 10%–25% off the retail price of brand name drugs.


Save 5–40%.


Save 20%–50% on most dental procedures.

Alternative Health

Save 25% on services from specialty health care providers. Not available in WA.


20%–40% off the retail price of Disposable Medical Supplies, Nutritional Supplements and Daily Living Aids

Durable Medical Supplies

5%–40% off of durable medical equipment and services. Not available in WA.


Savings of 30%–60% on hearing aids. WA customers will save 15% off standard prices or 5% off promotional prices.

Get to Know the Membership

What should I tell my doctor? How do I submit a medical need?
Answers to questions about the Membership can be found in the Membership Guidelines.

Take A Look

What Our Members Say

Altrua HealthShare

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