The Negotiations Process

What does the Negotiations Team do?

Our Negotiations Team is responsible for acquiring the deepest discount(s) on eligible medical needs directly from the provider, so that the Altrua HealthShare membership may share on it and protect the members’ escrow account. We take care of this for all of our members, at no additional charge. 

What do I need to do?

Altrua HealthShare asks that all members cooperate and help determine whether their medical need is discountable or payable by another party, as listed in the 2021 Membership Guidelines, pages 73-74 (Quick link to Membership Guidelines: 

A representative from the Negotiations team may reach out to you for additional information in order to obtain a settlement with your provider, this may include forms for records releases and general demographic information. We will use that information to determine if your eligible medical needs are discountable by other resources, including financial assistance through your provider. 

If you are deemed a strong candidate for financial assistance then we will pursue this resource, where you could potentially receive a full write off or a substantial discount towards your medical need. This could potentially save on your Member Responsibility Amount. 

Keep in mind:

  • Altrua HealthShare is not an insurance company, but as a trusted escrow agent, Altrua HealthShare oversees the voluntary sharing of all member contributions to meet our members’ medical needs. 
  • Altrua HealthShare is secondary to all other payment sources (including insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, private grants, financial assistance, etc.). 
  • If your medical needs are covered by other resources, Altrua HealthShare will only share on medical needs after they have been addressed by your other health coverage or reduced through any discounts or grants.
  • The Member Responsibility Amount(s) will apply after any discounts or third-party payments are made.

Please respond to any requests for additional information or verification within 14 days. If no response is received within 14 days, your medical needs may be deemed ineligible for sharing. 

Altrua HealthShare appreciates your cooperation during the medical need negotiations process. If you have questions regarding this process, please contact us directly at (512) 535-5366 or email us at

What Happens After a Settlement is Reached?

Once a discount has been obtained, Altrua HealthShare will send you an Explanation of Sharing (EOS), showing the outcome from our negotiations.  Here, you will find the amount you are responsible for, including your MRA (Member Responsibility Amount), the amount shared by the membership on your behalf and other pertinent information.