‘TIs the season where you’re not only doing plenty of wrapping and baking for Christmas, but you’re probably wrapping up 2024 and baking up what you want your 2025 to… MORE
Fresh Ideas (Including Healthy Living Ones!) for Your Christmas Traditions
Look, I’m a sentimental gal. Over the years, my crew and I have put some traditions into play that are still important to us to this day. It’s a mashup… MORE
Inflammation and Its Role in Diabetes During National Diabetes Month
When you think about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, you likely think about insulin and the role it plays in both conditions. In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s own… MORE
So Many Food Preferences, One Thanksgiving Table: How to Accommodate for the Variety of Eating Styles at This Year’s Turkey Feast
There’s potential controversy that could find its way to your Thanksgiving table this year and it’s not politics. It’s the food. From dietary preferences to food allergies, nothing brings all… MORE
READ ARTICLEFinancially Launching Your Young Adult Kids
You turn around twice and you’ve got kids entering their young adult years. And while you’re pretty sure you covered a whole range of topics that will serve them well… MORE
Finances and Your Healthcare Options; What to Consider
If you feel like you’re spending more and more on traditional healthcare, you’re not wrong. Statistics from the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) show that healthcare spending has hit an… MORE
The Hidden Connection: How Your Finances Affect Your Health
They say money can’t buy happiness. But your finances do have a big impact on your health. One of the top stressors people say they have today? If you said,… MORE
Your Healthcare Journey in 2024 and Planning Ahead for 2025
Your Healthcare Journey in 2024 and Planning Ahead for 2025 For many Americans, this is the time of year where the phrase ‘open enrollment’ makes its yearly appearance. Open enrollment… MORE
The Science of Pumpkin Spice Everything
I know, I know. I’m a total cliche. But I refuse to be shamed for it. After all, I have science on my side. ‘Tis the season for all things… MORE
How Much Protein Do You Really Need?
Throw a stick (particularly a beef jerky stick) into a pack of nutrition advice experts today and you’re going to hit a whole lot of talk about the current darling… MORE
READ ARTICLEBig Changes From This One Shift
With September being National Recovery Month, it’s a great time to focus on the positive health effects that happen when someone gives up substances or unhealthy habits. While National Recovery… MORE
National Recovery Month
It’s a staggering statistic, but one that is so important to know: 16.7% of the U.S. population ages 12 and up has struggled with addiction to substances in the last… MORE
What If the Bully Is…Your Kid?
It was the last thing she expected to hear, that her child was the one bullying others. Discover how Crystal Paine, founder of Money Saving Mom, dealt with the news… MORE