Do you hear the ominous sound of horse hoofs thundering in the distance? If you’re an unsure gift giver or if you’ve got a budget that is stretched to the… MORE
Motherhood ’23: What’s the Same and What’s New
Being a mom has been around as long as people have…and that’s a long time. It’s a role filled with joy and heartache and worry and laughter and has always,… MORE
Food Allergies Are on the Rise in Kids. Why?
Allergies and Pollen: The Nose Knows! As a kid who grew up in the high desert of Southern California outside of Los Angeles, there were a couple of things… MORE
Allergies and Pollen: The Nose Knows!
As a kid who grew up in the high desert of Southern California outside of Los Angeles, there were a couple of things that simply weren’t part of my childhood… MORE
READ ARTICLEHot Diggity Dog! How Your Dog Improves Your Life
Did you know that having a dog improves your health and lengthens your life? Did you know that having a dog can keep you healthier and prevent some diseases? It’s… MORE
How Faith Impacts Your Health
When we talk about our faith lives, we often focus on the comfort it brings to our souls in a chaotic world and the peace of experiencing God’s love. We… MORE
Important Health Screenings for the Women in Your Life
It’s Women’s History Month, and that means there’s no better time than to celebrate the women in your life! As part of honoring and commemorating important the women to you,… MORE
Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month, and this year’s theme is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” This month is a time to celebrate the lives, stories, and achievements of women… MORE
Making Lent Part of Your Family Faith Tradition with Tsh Oxenreider
When it comes to sharing faith experiences with our kids, there are some practices from Christians going back through the centuries that can give added meaning to our today. Best… MORE
Keeping All Your Relationships Healthy, Not Just Your Marriage
In a month that’s all about love, it’s easy to make the focus about romantic relationships. After all, the hearts, the roses, the proposals that seem to stuff February full… MORE
READ ARTICLELast Minute (But Thoughtful!) Valentine’s Day Gifts
You turned around twice and it’s already here. The big one. The day when romantic expectations can run high and the bank account can feel a little low. Don’t beat… MORE
Black History Month
Black History Month is a time to celebrate and recognize the contributions and achievements of Black Americans throughout history. Every February, the United States and Canada recognize the role of… MORE
Exciting New Ministry Partnership!
Sunday Service with Altrua HealthShare and