Throw a stick (particularly a beef jerky stick) into a pack of nutrition advice experts today and you’re going to hit a whole lot of talk about the current darling… MORE
Big Changes From This One Shift
With September being National Recovery Month, it’s a great time to focus on the positive health effects that happen when someone gives up substances or unhealthy habits. While National Recovery… MORE
National Recovery Month
It’s a staggering statistic, but one that is so important to know: 16.7% of the U.S. population ages 12 and up has struggled with addiction to substances in the last… MORE
What If the Bully Is…Your Kid?
It was the last thing she expected to hear, that her child was the one bullying others. Discover how Crystal Paine, founder of Money Saving Mom, dealt with the news… MORE
READ ARTICLEImportant Conversations for the Start of the School Year
The backpacks are packed, the lunch boxes are filled. The alarm clocks are set and the new schedule is hanging on the fridge with a magnet. You’re ready. Almost. But… MORE
The 2024 Recommended Vaccines and Latest Research
This week, researchers and medical professionals from across the country are gathered in Atlanta, Georgia for the 2024 National Immunization Conference. Attendees will be hearing all the latest research, challenges,… MORE
A Healthy Back to School Season
You’re making your way through the school supply lists, you’re filling in all the squares in your fall calendar, and you’re winding down the lazy days of summer. Ready or… MORE
‘Tis the Season for Summer Eating!
Walk into any grocery store no matter the time of year, and you’ll likely find red ripe strawberries, bright green broccoli, and many other fruits, vegetables, and grains that are… MORE
Why Joy Matters
What’s the secret ingredient for a stronger immune system, better mental health, and a longer life? It’s just three little letters, but it makes a big impact. Joy is the… MORE
National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month
July for many of us marks the height of the summer, patriotic celebrations, and family road trips. But July is also an important month for bringing greater awareness and advocacy… MORE
READ ARTICLEThe Hot And The Cold Of It
Hot and Cold: The Latest Temperature Trends That Promise to Enhance Your Health Maybe your household is like this. One person is always hot. The other is always cold. The… MORE
The Rest of the Year: Resetting Your Goals for the Remaining 6 Months of 2024
While January 1 or the first day of school in fall generally makes the biggest splash when it comes to new beginnings and new goals, the beginning of July holds… MORE
Fascinating Facts About the Fourth!
It’s fireworks and summer temps, red, white, and blue and BBQs. It’s the birthday of our nation, But there are some fascinating facts about the holiday we know as the… MORE