All it takes is chasing a toddler or two to make you realize just how important your physical health is when it comes to the parenting game. But once you… MORE

Wellness Wednesday
Jordan Feliz
He’s a dad, a husband, a passionate grill master, and all-around one of the nicest guys you’ll meet. He also is a Dove-award-winning top music artist. And he’s now a… MORE
New Research in How to Develop and Maintain New Habits
It’s no secret that the best-laid plans for the new year are statistically of the rails by February, to the tune of an 80% failure rate. What’s up with that?… MORE
Gratitude Is A Lifestyle (With Some Big Brain Health Benefits)
Remember George Bailey? He’s the lead character in the film It’s a Wonderful Life. The film was released in 1946, and it features the story of George, a guy who’s… MORE
READ ARTICLEThe Benefits of Having a Lifelong Learning Approach to Your Life
You may have dreamed when you were back in school of getting through graduation and never having to go back into the classroom. Of never having to read boring classic… MORE
Unwind Before Bed
Our lives are so jam-packed, you might be going a mile a minute right until you climb into bed — or maybe even when you’re in bed. (You know who… MORE
An Interview with a Traveling Christian Music Artist
Megan Garrett is a homeschooling mom, travels with Casting Crowns, is married to a youth pastor and is a mom figuring it out day by day.