Have you ever committed to a rigorous exercise program for weeks or even months, only to find yourself unhappy with your weight loss results? If so, then you might have been missing the important nutritional aspect of any sustainable weight-loss program. After all, while exercise is certainly one key component of losing weight, the fact remains that you cannot be successful losing weight in the long-term if your nutrition isn’t balanced.


Why Nutrition Matters

In general, experts agree that weight loss is about 75% nutrition and 25% exercise. Unfortunately, many people actively trying to lose weight don’t realize the importance of nutrition and then wonder why they’re not seeing the results they want. Believe it or not, in a study of 700 weight-loss reports, researchers found that those who focused on eating healthy (and not exercising) lost more weight on average than those who only exercised and didn’t focus on their nutrition.

The bottom line is that you can lose weight in a healthy manner using nutrition alone, but you can’t undo a bad diet with exercise.

Sticking to a Healthy Diet

So, just what constitutes a healthy diet, anyway? This can vary greatly from one person to the next. For example, one person’s body may respond well to cutting back on carbohydrates in order to lose weight, whereas others may find that cutting out added sugars (such as those found in sodas and processed foods) can result in significant weight loss—especially when combined with an exercise program.

In general, however, a healthy diet is all about choosing a sustainable and balanced nutrition plan that incorporates lots of fresh fruits and veggies, complex (“good-for-you”) carbs, and lean proteins for long-term results. It’s also about aiming for a daily caloric intake that matches your activity level.

The Mathematics Behind Weight Loss

Speaking of calories, how can you determine your recommended daily caloric intake? For the average person who is slightly active throughout the day, you can multiply your current weight by 10. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, then you would want to keep your daily calories around 1,500 to maintain your current weight, or less to lose weight. Remember that it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound, so plan your caloric intake accordingly.

There’s no denying the importance of nutrition in any weight-loss program. By realizing that both regular exercise and following a balanced nutrition plan are important to reaching your goals, you can take the right steps for your wellness. For more resources and help reaching your goals, turn to Altrua HealthShare today.