Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Ideas and professional insight about how to find balance, health and peace.
Mother’s Day Brunch

This year Mother’s Day is going to be a little different. Kids aren’t going to school, many of us are staying home, and social distancing has changed all of our… MORE

Staying Connected

“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy…” Proverbs 27:9 It’s hard to feel courageous during these times, especially when there is so much instability around us…. MORE


Hello, Altrua HealthShare Family!  We wanted to take an opportunity to reach out and let you know we have your back. As a unique healthcare sharing ministry, we joyfully accept… MORE

Need to See a Doctor?

Telemedicine* If the ailment is of non-urgent nature, your first course of action should be to utilize telemedicine services. Simply open the Altrua HealthShare App and select “My Doctors”, then… MORE

Benefits of Family Exercise

Happy #WellnessWednesday! There are many physical, emotional, and mental benefits when a family exercises together. Physically Family exercise motivates you to reach beyond an exercise routine you have grown comfortable with…. MORE