Quick! What’s your top resolution for the New Year? If you answered something along the lines of “losing weight,” “getting into better shape,” or simply “taking better care of myself,” then you’re not alone! More than half of Americans in a recent study reported having health and fitness related resolutions for the New Year. Unfortunately, many people who pursue fitness-related goals end up falling off the wagon within the first few months. By taking the time to set up a health and fitness plan, you’ll be better prepared for long-term success.


fitness planning


The Importance of Having a Plan

Don’t wait until New Year’s Day to begin thinking about how you’re going to pursue and achieve your fitness goals. If you want to have the best chances for success, you’re better off planning your fitness goals as soon as possible. This way, you’re able to carefully think out and develop your plan so that it not only suits your lifestyle, but is feasible for you to keep up with in the long-term.

Planning Your Fitness and Nutrition Regimen

One important aspect of planning your new health and fitness plan is to decide what your short- and long-term goals are. For example, you may aspire to eventually lose 50 pounds. By breaking that goal up into mini-goals (such as losing 5 pounds per month), you’ll help yourself stay more motivated in adhering to your fitness program. You’ll also need to plan out your specific strategy for becoming more active. For instance, will you start going for a walk or run each day before work? Will you purchase a gym membership and strive to visit the gym at least four times per week?

Don’t forget about developing a viable nutrition plan, either. After all, fitness and healthy-eating go and-in-hand. Before the new year strikes, set nutrition-related goals that you can stick with (such as gradually weaning yourself off soda or fast food). You might even consider writing a weekly meal plan to help you stay on-track.

How COR: 6 Fitness Can Help You Stick to Your Plan

If you’re looking for a little assistance with developing your health and fitness plan, Altrua HealthShare’s COR: 6 Fitness program could be a great choice for you. This particular program provides you with assistance in nutrition planning, goal-setting, and tracking your progress as the weeks pass. Ultimately, COR: 6 Fitness could help you stay on-track with your health and fitness goals so you can achieve your resolution!