If you’ve got a foreign destination on the schedule for this summer, you’ll want to make sure you know all the latest requirements when it comes to testing and vaccines for international travel.
Needing Some Lab Work Done?
If you’ve got a foreign destination on the schedule for this summer, you’ll want to make sure you know all the latest requirements when it comes to testing and vaccines for international travel.
Celebrate the End of Summer with Intention
If you’ve got a foreign destination on the schedule for this summer, you’ll want to make sure you know all the latest requirements when it comes to testing and vaccines for international travel.
Perseverance is the key ingredient to any undertaking – Our 21 Day Fast
I’ve done it time and time again. Maybe you have, too. I’ll decide it’s time to tackle that project in the dumpster fire that is the usual state of our… MORE
READ ARTICLEProtected: What if my provider doesn’t accept or doesn’t know about Altrua HealthShare?
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Jesse Iwuji, Race Car Driver and Military Officer, Comes Onboard as Spokesperson for Altrua HealthShare
[Austin, Texas]: Altrua HealthShare has announced a new partnership with Jesse Iwuji, a rising star on the racing circuit, who is also known for his military service and entrepreneurial endeavors…. MORE
A Two Word Phrase To Help Your Stress With Julie Lyles Carr
This hasn’t really been the year we were expecting. Julie talks about a two word phrase on episode #144 of the allmomdoes Podcast that can help relieve your stress levels… MORE
Generic Medicines – A High-Quality Alternative
You’ve probably heard of generic medicine. Take this quick refresher for a few key points to know, including how it can be a big money-saver.
Office Visits 101: What to Ask Your Healthcare Provider
Open communication with your healthcare provider can help you better understand and be more involved in your care.
Proposed Regulations from IRS: Good News?
The IRS proposed that premiums and fees paid for health care sharing ministries be eligible for reimbursement by employers.
READ ARTICLEThe 100 Club of Central Texas
We support our local, national and international communities. One of the local organizations we support in Texas is the 100 Club of Central Texas.
Member Education – Vision
How to Access Vision Services It’s very simple, just use your Altrua HealthShare app to locate a provider in the network in order to take advantage of the savings on… MORE
50 Healthy Summer Activities
We’ve compiled a list of 50 Healthy Summer Activities you can do with your family to help you beat this lull and make it a memorable season.